OLTRE Society Design Collection

"Society’s identity becomes a lifestyle to satisfy the desires of everyone embracing this style. We love to go OLTRE, beyond, leaving the familiar path with curiosity and freedom”.

This is the idea behind OLTRE Society – Design Collection, a permanent laboratory to host ideas and craftmanship that result in design objects to partner Society’s textile collections.

Creativity is an energy that needs to be nourished and enhanced, always. OLTRE Society is a space for projects designed inside the creative team or in collaboration with designers that are close to Society’s taste and lifestyle.

Society’s vision is broadening its horizon to go beyond the textile. It all starts with a thread, from which this research is sewed, which weaves together textile innovation and design to create objects where the connection with the textile world is always present.

ISACCO e BERNARDO designed by Dario Antoniali reinterpret common objects from everyday life, such as the laundry basket and the valet stand. These projects create a practical extension of the textile collections, interpreting Society’s vision and identity, mixing design, research and functionality.

ISACCO e BERNARDO design by Dario Antoniali society limonta

ISACCO e BERNARDO design by Dario Antoniali society limonta